ECSE Registration
Please do not complete the registration process unless your student was found eligible or you have been given instruction to complete by BECEP. For questions, please click HERE to email the BECEP Secretary or call at 701-323-4400.
The Online Registration process should take approximately 20-30 minutes per student. It is recommended to collect the following information prior to beginning the online registration process so you can easily upload it to the appropriate places. Parents also have the option of bringing documents in person to the central office at 806 N. Washington door #2, fax to 701-323-4111 or email to If you are unable to complete the registration all at one time, you can save your progress and return to finish.
Per BPS policy, proof of residency is required to attend a Bismarck school. Please submit your registration even if you don't have all your documents at the time of registration. The registration office will contact you.
Documents requested, residential documentation is required to enroll:
- Parent identification
- Proof of birth of student(s) click here for acceptable documents
- Recent Immunization records of student(s)
- Primary proof of residence - click here for acceptable & non-acceptable documents
- Secondary proof of residence - click here for acceptable & non-acceptable documents
- Notarized Residency Affidavits will be needed if you are living with a Bismarck resident and it is not due to financial hardship in addition to the proof of residency in the lessee/owner's name.
*Students in transition or temporary housing are not required to submit documentation in order to enroll in school as defined in the McKinney-Vento act.
Please remember that only the parent that initiates the online registration process can make changes. You will need an email address to access online registration. If you don't have an email click here to create one.
Click the applicable link below to start the online registration process:
(If possible, have your documents ready to upload before you submit your completed registration.)
To register for the school year click here for the current year.
*any registration submitted for the improper year will not be used
Click here for the 2024-2025 school year
(Don't worry if you can't finish it all at once, you can pick up where you left off. You must hit the "Save & Sign out" button located on the top right of the screen in the circular button with your initials on it. This is very important if you plan on using a public computer)